Sunday, 18 October 2020

Clash of Spears: Last of the Greeks

 This week I completed the last of the models I have for Clash of Spears, the Iberians army box has sadly still not been released. That does mean I can work on a couple of other projects and I have some plans for some scenery pieces to help decorate the battlefield.

Another 12 heavy Hoplites have been painted up to join with the 10 I'd already done to give enough for a couple of units to join either the Romans or Carthaginians. In fact with the Greek Cavalry I have from the earlier Basilea project I probably have enough for an all Greek force. 

I also painted up a couple of Greek commanders, again these can be used to help bulk out either of the two main forces, that gives me up to 4 commanders per side now.

So that gives a nice sizeable force which can be used to depict a decent variety of Hoplite types as we saw last week

Whilst I've been painted these up Mick & I have been getting some practice games in for Kings of War: Vanguard, the Mantic fantasy skirmish game. With the arrival of the latest Kings of War campaign and rule supplement book being imminent we are going to switch over to some Kings of War games.

The idea is to do a linked Vanguard and KoW campaign like I did before for the Tale of Two Forts. As I've only managed one game of KoW 3rd edition we will be doing some practice games to brush up on the rules and also to give me time to write the campaign. The Halpi's Rift book comes with extra magic rules so the plan will be to use those to frame the campaign.


  1. I'm thinking I might just use a couple of the plans so its possible to make some terrain up

    1. The plains sound like an interesting way to mix up the scenario play.
