Saturday, 10 October 2020

Clash of Spears: Greeks Sir, Thousands of 'em

 Whilst I wait for Victrix to release the Iberian army box for Clash I've been working on painting up some Greeks to use as allies for either the Romans or Carthaginians. These are all Victrix so will fit in with the other models already painted.
I started with a unit of archers who with a simple tunic and no fancy armour or shields went together very quickly. As with the others I have tried to keep the unit looking bright and with a good mix of colours.

The Greek list has two entries for archers with the normal peasant with a bow type being complimented by the mercenary Cretan archer. The Cretan has a one better shoot stat but also the ability to 'aim' as an action and then when they shoot re-roll any misses, that should help with the hit rate.

Victrix do packs of 12 archers but these come without the shield option which is included in the larger Greek skirmishers pack they do. Both types of archer have the option to pay one point per model for a buckler which increases the melee save to a 6+.

Of course no Greek army of this time would be complete without the iconic Hoplites and Clash allows you to field these in several different configurations. Whichever you choose you will be getting the standard spear and large shield abilities seen in the other armies.

As the Hoplites increase in quality you get better armour and grit as the main benefits but also 3+ melee in the top levels.

So far I've completed ten each of the unarmoured and armoured Hoplites with some more armoured Hoplites and a couple of leaders on the way. I do like a good Hoplite so it's been fun to paint these chaps up and the Little Big Men shield transfers look great, certainly beats trying to freehand all those shields!

The Hoplites could also be used to represent the Etruscan or Campanian allies of the Romans which would give them a good way of adding more milites level troops into the list to open up more rare choices.

The style of armour isn't quite correct, but close enough to look ok on the table.

So up next are some more Hoplites and leaders and then on to some terrain pieces for the table.


  1. I think the Etruscans had mixed spear and pilum units at one point which are unusual.

    1. Very unusual I'd have thought, that isn't represented in the lists though.
