Sunday, 25 October 2020

Kings of War: Braiiiins

 With the arrival of my copy of Halpi's Rift from The Pit Gaming we where ready to start our pre-campaign practice games of Kings of War. The practice games will not only give us the chance to learn the rules changes in v3 but also work out what we want in our lists.

When I was writing up the Undead list I couldn't settle on a build I liked until I included some Zombie Trolls, this was unfortunate as I didn't own any to play with. A couple of ebay orders later I had some Mantic Trolls (the normal ones) on the way. I chose these as the Zombie version are all metal and having 4 or 5 large metal models on a multi-base makes the units to heavy in my opinion.

The Zombie Trolls are a hammer unit that can also take a punch, with -/17 nerve and Def 5+ and Life Leech they should stay in the fight if they aren't taken out in one charge. With these chaps I based them in the same theme as the rest of the Pestilence section of the army. I did want to try something different with them so under the water effect I used some green LIT pigment which has a strong glow then exposed to sunlight / UV.

This can of course been seen most clearly in low-light conditions but as the gloss gel dries and goes clear then it should show up more and more hopefully.

As the trolls are pretty straightforward to paint I managed to get both Hordes done in 8 days though the gloss gel was still drying on Friday when we played.

I also took the chance to remove the trees from the Zombie Regiment bases as after some consideration I decided they where hiding too much of the work I had put into the models on the bases.

Pestilence now has quite an impressive number of 'wet' undead under his command, certainly enough for a solid core. One of the reasons I went with the Zombie Trolls was the option to add the Viscous aura to foot Necromancers in the Undead list. In order to make the most of this you need the big hitting Zombie Trolls and/or Goreblights to make the most of it. You could use this with normal Zombies but they aren't really doing enough damage to just use it with them alone.

So on Friday we played a quick (well not that quick) game to try out some lists and to re-learn the rules.

The Kingdoms of Men went with:
1 * Foot Guard Regiment
1 * Knight Horde
1 * Knight Regiment
2 * Mounted Sergeant Regiment
1 * Mounted Scout Regiment
2 * Mounted Scout Troop
2 * General of Winged Beast
2 * Wizard, one with Heal
1 * The Captain

The Undead went with:
1 * Necromancer with Heal and the Viscous (Zombie Aura)
1 * Legion of Zombies
2 * Hordes Zombie Trolls
1 * Goreblight
1 * Regiment of Revenant Infantry
2 * Troops of Wraiths
1 * Regiment of Revenant Cavalry
2 * Troops of Revenant Cavalry
2 * Mounted Revenant King with Surge
1 * Liche Queen with Blizzard

As we were busy playing I didn't get any pictures of the game itself but the out-come was reasonably well balanced with the KoM fluffing a charge by the Knight Horde on the Zombie Legion who they should have killed, this allowed a Zombie Troll Horde a flank charge into the Knights which took them off.


  1. Its rare these days to see KOM without Pikes as core units to hold the line or a flank. Personally I'm unconvinced by the knight hordes - its such a big investment that if they fluff or the charges are nt set up right you are a bit screwed. May 2 * Knights Regt and a Giant might do better if the points work?

    1. It's hard to make a judgement on the basis of one game, I have 4 regiments worth of Knights so things can be mixed up. The theme of the army is a almost entirely mounted force so the knight horde is the biggest nerve block available, but it's much happier being a hammer than an anvil.
