Saturday, 4 March 2017

The beginning

This blog will primarily be used to document a Twilight Kin project that I am about to start on for the Kings of War game. Free rules & lists can be found on the Mantic website who also sell figures for the game. The faction I have chosen to build have not yet been included as an official faction with models supplied so I will be sourcing models from other companies.
The reason I have chosen this game is that it uses a multi-base system so you can put all your models on one base and the whole base gets removed once damage hits a certain level, rather than removing models one at a time. This should give me the chance to work on my modelling skills to build an interesting base like these for the fishman faction.
I'm still in the planning stage with no models yet purchased and lots of thinking going into what proxies to use, so the next update will probably be a proxy fest.
In the meantime I have painted some 40k stuff on my return to modelling so I can give a picture to look at.

The whole Gang

The Bosses and Guards

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