Sunday 29 September 2024

Ill Tides: No Honour Amongst Slavers

Armada / 250 points / Hunt the Flagship / Twilight Kin Win

Being angry was the normal state for an Abyssal Dwarf but Sycorax was considered to be especially ill-tempered even by the standards of his race. The outcome of the ambush had done nothing to improve his temper. His plan, had of course, been perfect, fall upon the unprepared Twilight Kin fleet and take their share of the slaves whilst sending them all to the bottom of the sea. The Elves however had fled from his mighty flagship the Arbiter of Pain and instead concentrated their efforts against the other part of his fleet. 
It was there that he had been betrayed by the cowardice and incompetence of his captains as they allowed themselves to first be boarded by the enemy and then surrendered. One captain had the sense to  die at his post but the other who had survived the combat was currently be keel-hauled along the length of the flagship, an experience he would not survive. 
The Twilight Kin gunnery had been unusually accurate with it striking many devastating blows against his fleet so it would be a while before he could engage them again at sea. But he had managed to destroy two of the Elven fleet and retain his slaves taken during the battle so not all was lost.

Arlantrix breathed a sigh of relief as she saw the Dwarven fleet slip further and further behind her ship, they would not be able to catch up now. She had hoped to be the one to be springing the ambush on the Dwarves once they had out-lived their usefulness, not be on the receiving end. However the well trained crews of her fleet had responded magnificently to the surprise attack and managed to ensure the escape of her flagship and the slaves onboard. They'd even managed to add some Abyssal Dwarves and Orc slaves to their haul, though some had been lost when the Soulbane was sunk. Losing that ship and an Impaler was unfortunate but it was better than losing the entire fleet. 
She felt confident that the Dwarves would not want to engage her fleet again anytime soon, their firing had been punishing and they would surely have learnt to fear the ferocity of her crew in boarding actions. No doubt the next conflict would be on land when she returned back to Dyryth to seize more slaves for the Conclave. Well she would be ready to defeat them on land as well, she wasn't going to be beaten by some short-arsed Dwarf.

Next Scenario / Kings of War: Ambush / 995 points / Salt The Earth

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