Friday 31 March 2023

Napoleonic's: The Bank Job, part 2

Last time we played we left the battle fairly evenly poised with the British feeling they had the slight upper hand. But all was still to play for as the daylight saving meant extra time before night fell on the final battle in our Spanish excursion.

Things however took a sharp turn in the favour of Major de la Croix and his French forces. In the past the 2nd Hussars had generally died without gaining much in return. They where about to repay the continued faith Major de la Croix had shown in them in magnificent style.

Below we can see them massing in the distance, with the British ready to unleash the usual fire as they ride forwards.

In Shakos & Bayonets you activate units by drawing their card from a deck, most unit types add 4 cards to the deck which get re-shuffled once the 3rd Clock card is drawn. Unbeknownst to Major Berkeley the Hussars had been ordered to act decisively due to Major de la Croix have three of their cards in his hand. So the Hussars charged forwards and the normally reliable British firing missed badly.

This lead to a unit of Centre company infantry being removed in a flash bringing memories of Battle of Albuera to the North Gloucestershire men. But the Hussars where not done yet and they ploughed on into some light infantry next.

Less casualties this time and the British survived to run away. Again the British fired on the French and again they could not cause casualties, the French lived a charmed life. So once more they charged on again into the unit manning the wall.

Here we see the aftermath with the French finally taking enough casualties to knock them out of the battle but not before they had also forced the infantry by the wall to flee as well.

With the British attack nullified in one glorious charge the French infantry went on the attack to try and seize the gold in the compound.

They managed to clear the second wall of the compound and commit enough units into the area to take control of the gold.

The British did manage to hold the river crossing objective but at only 2VP's to the French's 3VP's it was a French win.

This result helped the French to close the gap but they still trailed 9-16 in campaign points so Major Berkeley probably won't be drummed out of the army in disgrace even if he did allow Major de la Croix to get hold of the British pay chest.

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