Sunday 5 March 2023

Napoleonic's: Corral the Horses

This week the two sides set off after a herd of horses that had been spotted near-by. The British wanted them in order to help move their cannon and the French wanted to hinder this process. The horses started in the centre and moved in a random direction each time a Clock card was drawn. Mr T had thought up the scenario and I provided some Spanish horses (with riders) for us to chase around.

As we did not know which way the horses would move and when both sides opted for a spread out deployment. The scenario also provided two bonus objectives to either side of the table. The French made more of an effort to capture these whilst the British mainly concentrated on the horse capturing.

Very early on the first Clock card was drawn and the horses bolted towards the British so one unit of Light Infantry dashed forwards and took control of some of the horses before the French could react.

Very soon after another Clock card was drawn and the horses moved towards the French.

And then almost immediately after yet another with the horses coming back towards the British.

And then another Clock card sent the horses back towards the French in range of their Voltigeurs.

Whilst all this was happening the British on their left flank faced off against a French Grenadier unit and with one round of deadly fire killed three men and sent the rest routing from the table. On the British right flank the French had seized the other secondary objective and started to retreat backwards with it.

Before the horses in the middle could move again the Voltigeurs took control of some of them.

They then suffered a charge from the British Light Dragoons who managed to wrestle control of several of the horses from them.

Both sides then started to retreat with their horses and the French Hussars advanced far in advance of their lines to try and stop the British.

After an initial repulse the Hussars did manage to rout the British Light infantry but where themselves charged by the Light Dragoons.

After a couple of melees the Hussars having been badly mauled by the British fled the area and left the British to take control of the horses once more.

The French  did manage to take a few of the horses and one of the secondary objectives but the British had most of the horses and the other secondary objective so won the scenario 2VP's to 1VP.

Neither commander managed to complete their personal objective so that leaves the British 14 VP's to 4 VP's ahead. 

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