Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Kingdoms of Men Reinforcements

As well as the Teaczar being busy with the paintbrush I've also been working away on some more troops for Kings of War. With the final battle coming up this week for the Halpi's Rift campaign I wanted to be able to field as many points of my Undead as possible, this meant expanding the KoM army to try and match. Having already painted up a good amount of cavalry I wanted some infantry but also wanted something flexible that wouldn't break the bank. Having a look around I decided that the Victrix Viking set would offer an excellent source of models with enough models for two hordes of infantry. The models are excellent and at only £38 for 60 a real bargain.

Foot Guard with 2-handed weapon

When I got the set I divided the models up into armoured and unarmoured and then further divided into 2-handed and 1-handed for the armoured models and dual-wield and 1-handed for the unarmoured.
This gave me enough models for two troops of each type and a way to build 4 units worth of variation from the pack.

Foot Guard

So this gives me both variations of Foot Guard, the 2-handed version looks like a dangerous hammer, all those attacks hitting on 3's with Crushing Strength (1) will chew through most things.

You could also use the 2-handed option in from of unarmoured troops to represent Pole-Arms.

Foot Guard with 2-handed weapon Horde

Foot Guard Horde


The unarmoured troops are to be used to represent Berserkers and Shield Wall options with the Fanatics offering a fearless hammer option at the expense of being a slightly softer target if caught by a charge.

Shield Wall

Fanatics Horde

Shield Wall Horde

The Army so Far

I'm still waiting on the proper models for the Generals on Winged Beast but it looks like League of Infamy will start shipping next week so it shouldn't be long before I can paint them up. It will be after the end of campaign though which is a bit of a shame.

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