Sunday, 21 March 2021

Iron Age: Ring of Stone

This week I took delivery of the Iron Age ringfort from the Fogou Models kickstarter project. I'd gone all-in on this project as I'd been so impressed with the quality on the previous project I backed with them. The resin Fogou use doesn't need to be washed before you start to paint it so you can get stuck straight into the painting stage. The fact that they have used grey resin for the stonework also means it could just be given a quick drybrush and put straight into play which is great for the empire builder in a hurry.

I have already started undercoating some of the bits during the week and even completed a test wall piece over a couple of days. In theory with the test out of the way most of the stonework will be pretty quick to get completed.

I've got enough bits for a reasonable sized village and the fort came with a fantasy style tower and door configuration as well as the more historic plain door. I think I may want to magnetise the fantasy door parts so they stay together during play but don't require both towers and the gates to be stuck together. 

In amongst the various wall parts are a breached section for siege games and some grain stores on stilts as well as a large range of pots and other produce storage.

I've completed one test wall section this week which didn't take very long. It's a black undercoat with two progressively lighter grey dry brush layers and then some browns and a blue-grey applied with a sponge, a black wash went over the top of all that. A couple of mini grass tufts where then added on to give an extra splash of colour and interest.

I suspect this will be several weeks work to get all the bits completed but it should look great as a back drop for some Age of Hannibal SAGA once done.

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