Wednesday, 3 February 2021

Deadzone: Asterians / Matsudan Complete

Over the last few weeks I have been working away on some more Deadzone models for the Asterian / Matsudan faction. Having completed the test models a little while back I had a decent idea of what I wanted to do.

First up are the leader (Matsudan Toshiyori), melee specialist (Matsudan Inashi) and a mercenary from Star Saga (Ota Sora). The Toshiyori's special ability allows him to boost the firepower of Marionettes, so he goes well with the models I'd already painted. The Inashi is a tough melee fighter who wields twin blades, this not only makes him look rather cool but also allows him to reroll one miss each combat. Ota Sora brings a good range 6 AP(2) weapon to the team, he also has an armour of two so is pretty tough as well.

The next three models are also Matsudan with the electric mace wielding Sekiwake being flanked by the Yokozuna who has the same Ion Cannon as Ota Sora (but one less armour) and the Ozeki who carries the Ion Barrage, a range 5 AP(1) weapon with suppression built in.

The Matsudan all have a knockback ability which can be used to Pin an opponent (as does the Ion Barrage). Models which attack a Pin's opponent get a bonus to their melee dice. This is where So Hin comes in, he is also a Star Saga mercenary. The Matsudan all have the Honourable special ability which stops them from attacking Pin'd opponent, So Hin has no such scruples. He's fast, has a built in buddy (the bird) so always gets the +1 dice to melee for having a friend and has a AP(1) glaive with the ability to reroll one miss (hitting on a 4+ on a D8), so you don't want to be lying down with him in the area.

The Marionette box also came with some drones and weapon platforms in, I doubt I'd be using this in a game but they got painted up anyway.

With the extra parts that came in the kit for the various configurations I knocked up some objectives / cover for the table.

I also had some Cypher models in the box, these are more expensive and better shots than the Marionette's so with the Matsudan be higher costed they also probably won't be fielded, sorry guys!

Last but not least is the Spectra, this is the large robot model for the Asterians which was released pretty recently. It's hard to knock the quality of the resin models from Mantic (the Matsudan are also resin) and these are another high quality resin offering. 

The large robots of the other factions tend to be large plodding affairs, like the walker I painted up before. The Spectra is fast (moves 2-3) and has flight as well as never needing to be in cover to negate the clear shot modifier. It should be able to dash around the battlefield and take out what ever target is in range of it's range 6 AP(3) Micro Fission Beamer.

There is a variant with a sword so I may need to get a second, this one was fun to paint and the scheme came together really easily so it wouldn't be much work to get another painted up.

So that's the Asterian / Matsudan force all done for now, I cannot wait to get some Deadzone back in again once we can start playing in public again.

I should also mention that the unit entry is from a list builder built by Neal Jones, it allows you to upload pictures of your models into the unit entries, very nifty!

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