Sunday, 16 February 2020

City Builder, Part 2

Continuing my spurt of terrain painting this week I put paint on plastic to complete the Deadzone terrain I'd purchased a while ago.

Deadzone uses a true line of sight mechanism for spotting so having plenty of terrain to break up those line of sight is important.
Mantic produce a good range of terrain boxes which thanks to the modular nature of the kits and a clip system is easy to put together and you can mix the bits up to make different buildings.

Deadzone is also works best on a battlefield with height so I built a few tower systems to put on the table.

Even with the height you don't want people to be easily able to bunker up so the towers need to be fairly open to allow indirect fire to hit most squares, this is useful as blast attacks can knock models out of the square they are in and fall damage is included in the rules.

All of the enclosed buildings have separate roofs so models can take cover inside them when moving across the battlefield.

I now have the terrain and two factions ready which means I can start work on the Rebs once I have completed the Mercenaries for Star Saga who can in fact be fielded as a list but not in competition games as they are not entirely balanced.

As I had the terrain out the Marauders and Mazon Labs decided to take a little look around to see what the new neighborhood looked like.


  1. Does the game work as a dungeaon crawler / underground base setup too?

    1. That's Star Saga, it has it's own rules and map tiles.
