Sunday, 29 December 2019

Temple of Moderate Peril

So after many weeks of painting the Undead I've taken a bit of a breather from figures and worked on some terrain instead.

I received this Mayan Temple terrain a little while ago but it had to wait whilst I completed the Undead but it was really good to get it completed. I bought it on Kickstarter an went for the basic temple package without the pyramid which really looked nice but was going to be too large to use in a game.

The Temple comes with an elaborate roof section so I knocked up a substitute roof so I could use the proper roof as a piece of terrain in it's own right. The Mayan's liked to have a colorful display on their buildings so it took a bit of work over several nights to fill in some of the details, though I didn't do all of them.

I also cracked open the Army Painter dip for the first time in a while and used that to bring out the details that I hadn't put colour onto, this as normal worked really well and brought the pieces to life.

I had a couple of extra pieces that didn't get attached to the building so I plan to make up an extra stone column with them on which should provide another bit of cover for the table.

I've also been working on some Deadzone / Star Saga scatter terrain this week. Whilst the weather hasn't been good enough for me to spray the buildings I have managed to crack on with some of the scatter terrain.

Between the building kits and what came with Star Saga I've got a good amount of scatter terrain to add to the table and can use some of the crates as the supply crates that can be looted in game. I've also got all the bits of interactive terrain which where added in Escalation which should add some extra interest to the games. I should be meeting up with John in a few weeks for some Deadzone so this terrain should get onto the table fairly soon.


  1. That Mayan chap seems to have been buried with some dunkin donuts - good call
