Friday, 6 December 2019

Barrow Wights, Saved my Life

The Barry Whites as they became known in KoW v2 are the last unit in my initially planned list to be completed, though I still have an extra couple of units to finish off that have been added during the build.
This was the unit that I hoped would pull the army together and explain why it had four different basing schemes for the same army. I had initially planed to have the barrow on the same base as the Wights but it was very quickly obvious that they would not all be able to fit so I split it into two sections. The first section is the barrow and will be used as blocking terrain on a normal Kings of War table. It includes a barrow entrance made out of blue foam and some bits of building facade I had left over from the Vanguard building set. These along with a normal mirror on the back of the tunnel with a 2 way mirror on the front allowed me to setup an infinite mirror when combined with a couple of LED's. I haven't yet tidied up the wires at the back hence the extra mats behind it.
The Scenic Base section of the Unit
I also added a Reaper Wizard type and skeleton book bearer to help tell the story of something being unleashed from the barrow.
Both Parts Together
The Wights are from Mierce Miniatures and aren't the cheapest models in the world and come in many many parts so where a bit of a pain to get together, being metal they also give the horde a real heft. They do however look the part and make really nice Wight's so the effort was certainly worth it. The Barrow Wight's are another hammer unit in the Undead army and are interesting in having both fly and shambling rules, they also pack 18 attacks at 3+ with Crushing Strength(2) so they would be powerful enough in a head-on charge but devastating if they managed to get onto a flank.

I had only planned one unit of these in the army as in KoW v2 they where a unique unit and at the cost of the models and the amount of effort it took to create the unit I'm glad it was just the one unit I had committed too.

As I had the models out to take some pictures I thought I would grab the rest of the army at the same time.

I have also completed a couple of extra models to add into the original list the first of which is a Liche Queen. These are the Undead's most flexible caster (non-legendary) with a real range of spells they can choose from and they are also fearless and flying which should help them stay in the game and avoid being disrupted.

The model is from Reaper and I wanted to add a splash of colour to her with the pink hair. If I ever paint up some Wraiths I think I would do them in the same scheme.

I've also added Mhorgorath the Faceless to the army, he is a real utility model with great mobility due to his inbuilt Boots of Levitation and a great array of spells, at 230 points he is a real steal.

That means the only unique character I am missing is Jarvis, but as he is a goody I think he can be left out of my collection for now.

I also found a spare Zombie villager and made up a Standard Bearer to go into the mix, just in case I need some extra inspiring or a cheap model to stick Bane Chant on.

So that pretty much completes the army for now, I have a few more models to paint to add some extra units in but it should all be over by Christmas.....

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