Sunday, 1 December 2019

Undead: Building a Force

With the Undead army approaching completion it's time to start thinking about how to put a force together to go out on the table.
I like to try and build a group of units that will comprise the core of an army and then make tweaks with the extra units, this is especially true of a new army who I haven't had any experience with.

As Kings of War v3 is now out in the public domain and people are starting to play games it is interesting to see what direction people think army building is going to take. The general consensus at present is that alpha-strike & shooting is going to take more of a back seat to infantry and grinding style armies. This is rather fortunate for me as the Undead army I've been building includes a good amount of infantry and with the right build could grind with the best of them.

One reason for the idea that alpha-strike will be less dominant is the changes to Phalanx which hits Cav, Large Cav and Flyers with a minus one to hit as well as stripping Thunderous Charge. Of course this only works if people field Phalanx units so I have two hordes worth of cheap Skeletons to carry that threat. Undead do cheap infantry really well so I can also include really cheap Unit Strength two Zombie Regiments that can be used as chaff or objective holders. Ghouls are also really cheap and should hopefully provide some quick moving chaff that can bite back to the army.

The big advantage of having relatively cheap core units is you can then buy some expensive hammers to go along with them. At present I'm not sure if I want to go heavier with the Soul Reaver Infantry or Cavalry as the extra attacks on the infantry is nice but the cavalry moving at 8 gives that extra threat projection.

One thing I will want is a fair amount of Surge but as I've not played a Surge army before I'm not sure how much is enough, so that will be something to experiment with. Pretty much all the Heroes in the Undead army can have some amount of Surge so it is really a choice of how much is required and how tough & mobile the Surger's need to be.

I also have some catapults on order from Mantic as they where cheap on the Black Friday deal and whilst I'm not a massive fan of shooting armies I can see the benefits of having reliable long range damage against opponents who may want to sit back against a slower enemy.

The Wight Horde and Goreblight should be excellent units for getting onto and then into the flanks of the enemy. Again this will depend upon having enough Surge in the right place at the right time to pull the attack off so Mhorgoth with his ability to fly 20" and still cast is a massive boost to the army. You could also take a Liche King with the Boots of Levitation to carry out the same task or even both of them for maximum flexibility.

I think at least initially I would go for the build without the Catapults to see how things go and then add another Regiment of Soul Reavers (either foot or cavalry) and potentially a Regiment of Revenant Cavalry to attack as a fast hammer/anvil, much would depend upon what the opponent if likely to field.

So a fair old bit to think about and only getting some games in will help sort out the reality from the theory. But before that can happen I need to complete the army off, as I'm off work this week I hope to make some good strides towards getting the last of the original models completed and add some extra bits that have been purchased since the project started.

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