Sunday, 15 December 2019

Undead: Final Units

I've hit the home stretch this week with the Undead with the last of the extra units I have to paint being completed. These where the catapults and some extra skeleton infantry. With these completed I have all the units I have models for painted up and ready to take the field, hopefully sometime over Christmas.

In order to add some ranged options to the army I picked up three catapults during the Mantic sale and crewed them with some spare Skeletons I had left over from the two hordes. In v3 of KoW the artillery has become much more reliable by getting two shots which hit less hard than the one shot they generally had before. So whilst they still hit on 5+ having two shots each means that you should get a least one hit a turn (on average) if you field two rather than the three required under v2.

Catapult Stats

The Undead have the advantage of being able to use Surge on their artillery so it can move and shoot during the same turn, though of course only in a straight line. With the Ignores Cover special rule they are perfect for sitting behind your slower infantry line and adding wounds onto targets with a greater height, which is everything from cavalry upwards.

The other models are the Revenant Infantry which I got a sprue of again during the sale, this was to help use up the last of the normal Skeletons to produce a unit. I'm not as keen on the models for these chaps as the normal Skeletons as though they share the same bottom half the top half has been sculpted much more side-on than the normal ones. This makes them look a little odd on the base in my eyes.

I had enough for two Troops worth though I would likely run them either as a Regiment or combine with the Vanguard models to make a Horde. The Revenants come with Def 5+ and hit on 4+ so they are tougher and more punchy than the standard Skeleton, also -/17 nerve on the Regiment is very nice and would make them hard to shift.

Revenant Inf Stats
They could also be used as Skeleton Warriors and whilst the Regiment isn't great having two Troops to use as more durable chaff could be useful.

Skeleton Warrior Stats
As they are more likely to be used as Revenants I based them up to be added into War's contingent with the catapults being added to Famine's retinue.

I also found some time to build up the Deadzone terrain I got during the Mantic sale. This is all made of good quality plastic and uses a connector system which means that pretty much every piece can be connected to every other piece no matter which box set it comes from.

In Deadzone you want lots of pieces of terrain that limit line of sight as the playing area is quite small and you get a significant bonus for getting a clear shot in. Also height is very important and having various heights to play with makes the game more interesting. With that in mind I've created building of various heights and tried to ensure that every building has more than one entrance/exit that units can move and shoot through.

Next step will be to get the buildings sprayed up and add some detailing. I also have lots of bits of scatter terrain to paint up to add even more variety and interest to the battlefield.

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