Sunday, 5 January 2020

First Outings

After a break from actually playing any games for a few weeks I managed to get a couple of first outings done this week.
First off I hosted Stuart for my first game of Kings of War v3 and my first game with the Undead. He played his Abyssals which he had fought against several times but never with.
So this was very much a voyage of discovery for both us with the armies and a good chance to try out v3 for me.

My army for the game was as follows:

175, Skeleton Spearman Horde
175, Skeleton Spearman Horde
270, Soul Reaver Infantry Regiment
-- Blessing of the Gods
270, Soul Reaver Infantry Regiment
-- Chant of Hate
130, Revenant Infantry Regiment
-- Fire-Oil
265, Soul Reaver Cavalry Regiment
-- Sir Jesse's Boots of Striding
70, Zombie Regiment
105, Revenant Cavalry Troop
105, Revenant Cavalry Troop
70, Ghoul Troop
70, Ghoul Troop
280, Wight Horde
-- Brew of Haste
265, Revenant King on Undead Great Flying Wyrm
-- Surge (8)
175, Goreblight
230, Mhorgoth the Faceless
215, Vampire Lord
-- Staying Stone
-- Undead Horse
-- Surge (4)
130, Revenant King
-- Mournful Blade
-- Undead Horse
-- Surge (5)

As I'd not played Undead before and never used a Shambling / Surge army I wasn't sure how much Surge was actually needed and as it turned out I think I only surged once during the whole game, but that may just have been my missing chances to do so or not getting the troops into the best positions to take advantage of the surge ability.

Things which worked well where the Soul Reavers who are as expected a real hammer which could potentially one shot most units alone and certainly with a double charge. The troops of Revenant Cavalry proved to be excellent chaff and surprising resilient so I can see myself using in greater numbers in the future.

Mhorgoth was very handy and managed to be doing something every turn after the first. His drain life is very handy though I need to target lower armour units as even with Piercing (1) he is better off not picking on Def 5 targets.

The one thing that didn't really happen was many grinding fights with both sides fielding some strong hammers most fights where over and done in one round. I had wondered about including healing or more drain life in the army but I'm not sure it would have been that useful in the end.

The army includes almost no shooting which when I played Herd wasn't such an issue as the army was faster and got into combat quicker, in the slower Undead army some more shooting may be needed to help suppress the enemies chaff and shooting elements.

So lots to think about before the next game, whenever that may be.

The Mayan temple scenery also got it's first run-out when Mick came over for some Blood & Plunder. The temple formed the focal point of a race to claim a pile of treasure which ended in a bit of a scrum  which saw the Buccaneers come out on top with the Spanish taking some heavy casualties.

1 comment:

  1. Surge options need practice to spot I suspect. I think having done 4 games now vs Undead its fairly easy to mitigate attacking Surges by watching the flanks. Its harder to mitigate the defensive use though as it mostly removes dead spots where people can nt charge you, even behind units
