Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Back in Black

A month ago I confidently posted about completing the last of the extra units for my Undead army project and turned my thoughts and paint brush towards other projects. As if often the case I have had second thoughts about what unit choices I need to build a list and decided to add something extra into the army.

Undead Vampire Lord on Pegasus

With the army being generally on the slow side it occurred to me that some extra ranged threat to keep the enemy honest during the approach would be a good thing so I had a look at the units available and settled on a mounted Vampire Lord. Looking through my boxes of spare models I was able to bash together a rider and added him onto the Chimera from Mythic Battles: Pantheon.

Kings of War Vampire Lord on Pegasus

Pegasus Stats
I have a spare 50mm to 75mm base converter so can use the model as either unit.

Dragon Stats

I also decided to take a little step away from the pure mono-chrome scheme of the rest of the Forces of Death and add a little colour as I did with the Liche Queen.

Kings of War Undead Army

This helps add some interest to the base as I didn't want to add a wall onto it and forgot to put a tree stump on before I put the Polyfilla layer on. All in all I think it looks good and adds another interesting looking unit into the army.

Kings of War Undead Army

That should really be it now for the Undead.................

Kings of War Undead Army


  1. Is the orange a cover over the eyes of one head?

    1. Yeah, kind of a bandage by the looks of it, it's actually red but the light wasn't great for photo taking.
