Sunday, 8 September 2019

Undead: The First Horseman

The first section of my Undead army to be completed (well mostly) is that lead by Death. I'm not sure if the four are ranked but I would suggest the Death would be first among equals if not the outright leader.

From the reference description Death rides a pale horse so I undercoated Death in Black and the horse in grey to help him look darker/the horse look paler. The scythe and hour glass he is equipped with are nods to the Discworld Death and I opted to add the barding on that comes with the Fireforge Knight kit to help make him stand out.

The second Regiment of Soul Reaver infantry have been based as Troops just in case I need to field them in that manner and I added a couple of the Undead dogs on so I could remove two infantry to use in my Vanguard Warband.

The only thing I am looking to add to the bases now is a tree growing from outside the wall and over-hanging the base. I've been on the lookout for a suitable model but haven't found anything yet I really like so have also been looking for a natural branch/twig to use, again no luck so far.

The next section I'm going to work on is that lead by War, who carries a sword, so that should be easy enough to arrange.


  1. I wonder if the Soul Reavers will take a nerf and be cheaper in V3?

    1. Possibly, they should still be a good hammer though I hope.
