Sunday, 15 September 2019

Marauders: The Complete Team

With Deadzone being a skirmish game you don't need many models to make a Strike Team which means that once you get stuck into the painting the army comes together nice and quickly.
After the commanders last week I only had a couple of models left to paint and with my second Grunt Bot Goblin arriving I managed to finish all the force off. I'd also been given a mercenary model by John who I play with so he/she got painted up as well.

For the second Grunt Bot model I painted him up as Bolts and left the helmet in the open position so you can catch a glimpse of the suit operator. Bolts is a force commander who specialises in melee combat and comes with a nice heal ability for himself and other Grunt Bot models.
The Survivor looks like a good close range tank with armour 1, Tough and a defense of 3+ making it a hard model to put down.

Lastly we come to the Guntrack which I don't think I would ever field but I built the indirect fire version with the mortar which I realised I had stuck on upside down once I had completed painting it. The unit is rather expensive I would say and indirect fire has a reasonable chance to scatter so I think this would only be included in a large scale fight.

So that's the team all done and dusted, I may have a look at a second force and some terrain so I can play at home as well but that is down the list of priorities at present as I want to complete the Undead and then the Mythic Battles models I already have.

Speaking of the Undead I have also been busy at work on the second section of the army with some models almost ready to be called completed.

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