Sunday, 4 August 2019

Undead: Soul Reavers

I had a day off during the week whilst I waited for the Mythic Battles: Pantheon boxes to arrive so I took the chance to try out the monochrome paint job on the Soulreaver Cavalry which I'd built over the weekend.

Starting off with a light grey undercoat I then dry brushed a gloss white over the top to create a pre-highlight for the paint to go over. Next I then went over that with a dark grey mixed with flow aid to make it pool more in the recesses, this also had the effect of sliding off the gloss white. Wanting to add to the contrast the next stage was a black wash and then it was finished off with two more dry brushing layers, the first of my dark grey with a dab of light grey mixed in and then a very light pass with off-white.

Whilst this is more steps than I usually use when painting it all went together very quickly and I didn't need to worry about being careful to stay within any lines. I could have gone darker but as the knights are going to be mounted on a mostly black base I wanted them to stand out from the background.

As well as six knights each box contains two dogs, I plan to use one each per regiment of knights and then that gives me four to make into another unit of some sort.
Overall I'm very pleased with the way these turned out and I'm looking forward to seeing how they look once on the multi-base.

As I was still waiting for some paint to arrive for the Deadzone models I also had a look at the models for the Soulreaver Infantry. Fireforge do a nice range of plastic weapons so I bought a mixture of halberds and got some extra resin shields as part of the Kickstarter.

Once again the kits are excellent with lots of choices, as I was using the halberds I cut away the existing weapons and then drilled holes to stick the new weapon into.

The are going to be painted in the same mono-chrome scheme as the knights so in theory should also be pretty quick to get painted up.

I also managed to get some Deadzone in this week meeting John down the Old Duke yesterday. Somehow I didn't get any pictures but we had four good games which mostly ended up very close apart from one heavy loss to me. I'm really starting to love the mechanics for the game as it promotes a positive style of combat and with the exploding 8's can conjure some against-the-odds heroics. So I really need to get cracking on painting up my models.


  1. What sort of bases are you planning for these - something with a hint of colour?

    1. Well the idea is to go full mono-chrome so I have some white bushes and some walls that will be on the grey scale and then lots of black static grass that can be lightened up a little. Hopefully it all comes together !
      The models stand out pretty well against my black table top so I think it should work.
