Sunday 16 December 2018

Rolling Thunder

Having finished painting up the crew I was finally able to complete my Tribal Chariot Horde for KoW. This in theory means that the army is complete, though I do have some more Werewolves on a Kickstarter to arrive and I have picked up some models for a secret addition to the army.

In an army that lacks shooting the Tribal Chariots offer a decent amount of shots (only on 5+ though) and also a good charge as they hit on 3's. Thunderous Charge(2) offers decent chance of converting the hits made in melee and the nerve is average for Large Cav Hordes.

The big drawback for Chariot Hordes is the massive depth of the base they are on which offers plenty of flank to be charged. They do however look rather good and I have grown to really like the Mantic boar models.

With xmas looming Mick and I got a few games of Mythic Battles in, in fact we got through them so quickly that we managed 5 games in one session, Mick ran out a 3-2 winner overall.

These will probably going to be the last Mythic Battle games we play for a while as I want to get Mick playing Kings of War so we can have some proper massed battles going on.

I've also been cracking on with the Giant and as I have the next week off I'm hopeful that he can be brought very close to completion in that time.

I should also be getting the rules for him soon as well so I can see if he will be used for just the Vanguard scenario or make it onto the field of battle proper.

1 comment:

  1. I always liked the chariot hordes - good for stopping flyers
