Sunday 23 December 2018

Mega Moo

Having had the week off I've put some effort into completing the Giant giant model from KoW:Vanguard. Standing at 180mm or so he's a big beastie and has taken a lot of work to get looking even halfway decent. I suspect this size model would be much easier to handle with an air brush rather than painting with normal brushes. In any event I'm rather pleased with the results and the move to add a minotaur head has worked well and gives him an unusual look.

Once I get the Clash of Kings 2019 open I can try to work out how/if it can be included into my Herd army. He will get an outing in the Vanguard Capture the Giant scenario but it would be good to be able to get more use than just that one scenario.

The fur/hair on the back is the first time I've worked with Greenstuff and I have to say it gives me confidence to try some more conversions with it.

I also completed most of the scenario tokens and scenery that came with the Vanguard Kickstater with only the Bard model now left to be completed. I also dug out some crates I bought a while ago and painted them up to use as some light scatter terrain.

My only real gripe about Vanguard is the number of tokens that can be out on the table at any one point so I bought a few blank dice and made up some marker dice wich show 6 of the most common combinations. Hopefully this should cut down on the number of tokens on the board at any one time.

I also visited the homeland for a game of Vanguard with my brother who once more pitted his Basileans against my Nightstalkers.

The Basileans once more proved very difficult to kill and easily dispatched my more fragile Nightstalkers. The only real bright spot was the introduction of the Mind-screech who at least allowed me to put one enemy model into lockdown for a turn. I suspect however that it's usefulness will make it a high priority target in future outings.

1 comment:

  1. Even if the new lists lack anything suitable you could take as an ally or do a homebrew unit based on the colossal giant
