Monday, 15 October 2018

The Herd Grows

A little late with the weekly post but this was to allow me to actually complete some stuff rather than just have all WIP shots.
I wanted to have the option of adding a Great Chieftain on Chariot to the Herd army but did not want to spend the cash for something that may not be used that often, so I opted to use some Technolog miniatures. Whilst these aren't fantastic quality they do have the advantage of being under £10 delivered for 5 models.

The Warchief can be armed with a bow so I created both variants so either could be fielded.

Under Clash of Kings 2018 chariots got a decent buff with increased range and the Hero variants also gaining Nimble. With 7 attacks and good speed the Chieftain could cause some real problems with a flank charge, so would be one to watch out for.

I've also been working away at some of the scenic bits I had waiting to be painted and completed some standing stones. The will make good objective markers and have also been based up to fit onto my area terrain bases.

In preparation for the KoW: Vanguard Kickstarter arriving soon I have also been working on some troops which hopefully will go into the warband. I haven't seen the Herd list yet so I'm not sure what size bases things will be on so at the moment they remain not suite completed.

Another WIP are some walls for the Minos Labyrinth map for Mythic Battles. The boards look much better with some 3D terrain so after a quick bit of measuring up I ordered some Ainsty walls. They have painted up really well and with the dip stage drying should be ready for some matt varnish very soon.

Lastly the 'to be painted' pile is looking dangerously low, steps have been take to rectify this however.

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