Sunday, 7 October 2018

The Complete Pantheon

After a couple of months of good progress I have completed all the Mythic Battles models that I currently have. I do however have several more expansions ordered under the second Kickstarter which are due to ship in February 2019 so I should have lots more to paint then.
First up is Atlas who is the only Titan that I have and at 8 points the most expensive Deity on offer. His stats back the price up with maximum offence and defence values and twelve vitality, he won't be dying quickly and packs a mighty punch.

To set him apart from the Gods I went with a dark flesh tone using the Vallejo paint of the same name and picked out a few veins and highlights with the Army Painter Tanned Flesh. I rather like the effect and he certainly stands out from the pale Gods.

Cerberus is the guardian of Hades and his stats make him a highly effect guard unit which can also put the hurt on any enemy that strays within his range.

Being mostly black this was a really quick paint job with just a bit of orange dry brushing around the head to pick out a lava effect.

That brings us to the final unit which is a Troop of Infernal Warriors. They aren't quick or very good in a fight but they do regenerate a warrior if not wiped out so could be useful for tying down an enemy that lacks the attacks to wipe them out in one turn.

Mick and I also managed a couple of games this week after going through the draft process via email.
With so many Gods and units to choose from there would seem to be a really large number of ways to build a warband for each game. I chose to build my warband around Helios and Python.

Helios can use his Gem Collector talent to collect omphalos from areas touching the one he is in and Python can stop the enemy from picking them up in areas touching the one he/she is in. The plan was to occupy the middle of the board and go for a win by collecting 4 omphalos. Medea was added to help with survivability and Odysseus for his extra Art of War card, Achilles rounded out the force as he is a melee bad-ass.

Mick had less knowledge of the Gods and units available so went with a more gut instinct method of force building. He put together a nasty looking warband with Pan having a good ability against units that stack up in one area (as I planned to do) and some tough melee units in Minotaur and Jason.

From reading the Mythic Battles Facebook page Bellerophon has a reputation for extremely powerful and from his card you can see why. Being fast, able to fly, removing two of the opponents attack dice and able to evade attacks due to the fly rule, makes for a good package. He is also able to go on a activation roll with his Friend of the Muses ability, rather nasty all round.

We played out two games in the end as Mick got a bit excited in the first one and rushed Pan in to take on Helios and the Python, this did not end well.

In the second my occupy the centre plan had more time to be implemented and the combination of my forces meant that Mick could not cause enough damage to take me out and stop me collecting the four omphalos required for victory. Helios' whip ability also came in useful to stop the Minotaur being able to charge into a crowded area. Bellerophon proved impossible to kill in both games but he could not turn the tide on his own.

We plan to play again next week so I'll be looking for another combination to build a force around.

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