Sunday, 29 October 2017

Knights are Drawing In

Once again family duties conspired to make sure no game was played this week but I did make some progress on my Knights of Lazarus. I now have all twenty-four infantry completed bar the base texture on the last eight.

Once I have the horses done for all the cavalry then I will make up a batch of the sand and polyfilla mix and get them all done at once.

I also need to start thinking about making a few banners to go on the troops, as I will have plenty of transfers left over I think they will be of the white paper variety.

The force so far has been really straight forward to paint as I have only needed to use the white and green so I have not needed to swap lots of paints around like you would with an irregular force.
Once I have the cavalry completed then I should have a little break before the Kickstarter project I backed launches which should then give me lots of lovely Greeks to paint. SAGA 2 seems to promise the prospect of mixing in some more mythological elements so I am sure I can make use of the Greeks I already have and the new arrivals to build a couple of armies.


  1. Army dipper works well for these guys as you want a slightly grimy look for the desert

    1. Yeap, its a good result for a minimal effort, just my sort of painting.
      With these I didn't drush brush over the tone so they stayed grimey looking all over.
