Saturday, 27 January 2024

Twilight Kin: Pride of the Fleet

Whilst I am trying to minimise the number of Bound units in my Twilight Kin the Voidlurker model is very impressive. I picked mine up direct from Mantic during a free postage offer with £10 off due to my Mantic App subscription, so it was a cheap model to get. 

It's an all resin model which went together pretty easily, essentially you build up from the base by stacking tower sections one on top of the other until you finally stick the head and wings on. Unfortunately my model was missing one of the jaw pieces so rather than wait for a replacement I improvised a wounded look with a mutant arm and lots of blood effect.

As the only speed 10 hammer in the army list (Phantoms hit ok but are chaff) having a Voidlurker does add a much needed flying threat projection, but at almost dragon prices. Giving it Inspiring and the nerve bump seems like an easy choice, it can then lead a fast wing of your army until it starts hoping the lines.

It's a big model with a good amount of detail, I do worry about the wings though. Even pinned on I'm not sure they would enjoy a car ride to an event. The veins cast into those wings give some nice detail to paint and it was worth taking the time to paint them a different colour to the recessed parts. 
Having put a good amount of effort into painting it the Voidlurker feels like it should make most lists, I could also use as a second Goredrake. 

I had a spare Soulflayer as the 3D prints came out rather large so I thought I'd paint it up and chuck it on a large cavalry base. There isn't a Soulflayer hero you can take but I could use it as a Soulbane on Nightmare if I decide to run one as well as Mikayel. I do like a fast, nimble hero that's capable of picking up scenario tokens and getting into flanks.

As well as painted we've also been playing Armada with our Twilight Kin and Abyssal Dwarf fleets. This week we played the nautical equivalent of Capture the Giant from Vanguard, Capture the Kraken.

In this version as well as damaging units as it moves through them the Kraken also fights back if attacked at close quarters. This meant my TK who are more suited to boarding actions tried a more shooting orientated list. 

The Dwarves are more suited to shooting and in particular the Arbiter of Pain (their pocket battleship) is able to dish out large amounts of damage. It managed a good round of fire early on against the Kraken which propelled the AD into the lead which I couldn't claw back. It also sank a couple of my ships to further extend the VP lead.

I did manage to score a few points by sacrificing the Heart Seeker in close combat with the beast but the counter strike effectively took her out of the action and Mr T sailed away victorious.

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