I've been cracking on with the Twilight Kin and this week have some of their Bound Night Stalker minions to show off.
First up we have a Mind Screech which comes in either a ranged attack version or a healing version. I expect that most people will include at least one which will be the Planar Apparition (healing version) to sit behind their Hordes of either Fleetwardens or Impalers.
This model is a 3D print from the
Mantic Vault and I'd already painted one a few years
ago for KoW: Vanguard. But I thought I'd do a new one to match the colours of the new army and as it's a fun model to paint up I didn't mind doing another one. It's job will be to sit behind the lines and keep everyone topped up with health.
The second bound unit are these Soulflayers, which are flying large cavalry. It seems the files in the Vault where slightly out of scale as these riders came out oversized, it does mean I only need two on the Regiment base so I can use the third as a hero model.
Again, these are fun models to paint and given how cheap the the 3D prints are I am slightly tempted to get a second Regiment printed off. But as I'm trying to go for a mostly Twilight Kin force I've resisted thus far.
The Soulflayers only come in the Regiment size but they do fly and have a decent nerve and should be looking for flank / rear charges to double/triple their twelve attacks.
They also come with the Windblast spell to push your opponent around which I've not used before so that could be fun to get to grips with.
Looking at the Twilight Kin list one of the first things I noticed was the lack of a cavalry entry, which I think may be unique amongst all the KoW army lists. We do however have a knight equivalent unit in the Voidtouched Mutants. These are the melee version of the Voidtouched Weavers I painted up the other week.
When you look at their stats you can see 20 attacks at 3+ with
Thunderous Charge (2) makes this pretty much equivalent to a unit of knights and a proper hammer unit for the list. They do have a couple of downsides with only being defence 4+ and speed 7, though that is helped out by
Wild Charge (D3). They aren't going to want to grind and will need some help getting off the first charge against other cavalry. Being height 2 also means they can hide behind chaff like the Bound Phantoms but also means they will find it mode difficult to see targets to charge.
Lastly we have another Horde of Impalers ready to take the field. I can see myself running two of these as solid defence 6+ centre to my line, I have one more Horde's worth to paint up so could expand that centre to three Hordes potentially.