Saturday 18 June 2022

Rat Pack Update

No games this week so instead I've got some painting progress to post about. I'm still working on my Strike Teams for the tournament in September and this week added a Tunnel Runner to the Veer-Myn force. This would replace the Night Terror with Spitter in the team, as it's a bit more expensive than the Terror I'd also need to drop one Stalker as well.

This is a great model of what is essentially a rat in a wheel, but unlike the hamster variety this one has guns and slicing blades. This means the Tunnel Runner comes with plenty of fire-power and the ability to more than hold it's own in melee. The armour 2 and 5 HP also mean it's going to be hard to kill off, pretty good value for 33 points. It does have one draw-back in the Vehicle keyword which means it cannot climb terrain. In a game like Deadzone where being able to climb up and down terrain is pretty key that does mean it will have limited movement, so may take some forward planning when setting up.

I enjoyed painting this one up and he's already joined the rest of the pack ready for my next game.

I've also been working my way through the models for Bardsung, which I backed on Kickstarter last year. This is a 1-5 player PvE dungeon crawler, so all the players are on one side against the AI.
I've not looked at the monster stat cards so I'm not entirely sure what all these monsters are but the first bunch are Hobgoblins. So we have a mixture of bow and sword wielding little Hobgoblins and a couple of larger sword wielders.

They also have some really large Hobgoblins and three leaders.

The second set of enemies are Dwarfs, which have a mixture of miners, dual wielders and crossbow Dwarfs.

The Dwarfs have two leaders and a couple of casters and four guard-dwarfs.

The models themselves are good quality board game pieces which wouldn't look out of place in most wargames armies so I may need to think of a way to use them outside of the game as well.

The game comes with lots of miniatures so I have plenty more to work my way through.