Saturday 12 March 2022

Carnevale: Strigoi Reinforcements

Rounding out the reinforcements for the three Gangs are some extra Strigoi. I already had a decent number of Henchmen so this set includes some Heroes and some magic ability.

First up we have someone who isn't currently a Vampire but wants to become one and is happy to splash her cash around in the hope of making that happen. The Strigoi aren't the strongest ranged gang so the 8" range pistol is a nice addition but the real bonus is the Bankroll ability. Carnevale allows you to add equipment to your gang which you can then use once on any character during a game, it's not assigned to anyone in particular. 

Most equipment is designed around mobility and just a few points but the two most expensive items become much more appealing if you can keep using them every turn. Stun reduces the stats of an opponent so makes them less effective in attack and more vulnerable in defence, it can also be applied from range. So having Poison applied via the Highborn Servant's pistol each turn would be an excellent return on the 5 ducat investment.

The Hulking Moroi isn't a subtle Hero, he has to use up at least one life point when attacking but he should make that back via his Vampiric Attack rule. He's not massively quick and his average Dexterity means he may struggle on the roof tops of Venice but if you can get him charging in his extra First Strike dice will help cause some damage. He's also the only Vampire on a base larger than 30mm so if you want someone grappling or drowning he would be the monster for the job.

One of the sub-factions for the Strigoi are the Gypsy's, they have a full roster built around casters. The Seer is a Hero that can work well outside the Gypsy list with her ability to change fate. Her magic school of Fateweaving allows her to increase or decrease Attack/Dexterity/Mind and also generate a number of dice that can be re-rolled in a round, this is bumped up by her Command Ability which does the same thing. She did suffer an unfortunate incident whist being cut from the sprue and her left leg came off which is why she an odd stance on the base.

The Starved Dhampir is a build your own Vampire kit with her ability to improve stats as she makes successful attacks. She starts pretty weak but you could be making 2 - 3 attacks a round with her so she could get pretty powerful in fairly short order. It's an interesting mechanic and not something I've seen on any other model in the game so for only 9 ducats she makes for a cheap and potentially versatile henchwoman. 

The last of the Strigoi are a pair of Nosferatu, these could probably double up as common Strigoi if you wanted to go heavily with those henchmen. They aren't good fighters and won't last on the frontline but they do bring 2 command points as henchmen which is unusual and have what looks like a good command ability. Being able to teleport a friendly model up to 8" in a game which takes place with canals and roof top battles could be really important if used at the right time. Your opponent may feel safe lurking on a roof only for a Hulking Moroi to be teleported up or perhaps they think a canal will keep them safe from harm? You will really be paying 13 ducats to do this twice in a game and then perhaps you can use the Nosferatu to hold an objective, they won't be much help in a fight.

The Whole Gang

Lastly we have Fadhila who is one of the Gifted. The Gifted are a gang consisting of mercenaries so whilst you could play a whole gang of them most likely you will see them as individuals in other gangs.
Fadhila is an expert at preventing / reducing damage and also healing it back via her Divinity school of magic. Universal Shielding (x) means that the target of the damage always rolls at least (x) protection dice (if they had that many to start with) so it greatly reduces the impact of attacks with high penetration. Her bubble also gives Expert Protection (4) which gives you 4 re-rolls on protection tests, with her bubble up you will be very hard to kill.

That's all the models I have now painted up so expect to see the Strigoi on the field very soon!

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