Thursday 3 March 2022

Carnevale: Guild Reinforcements

Hot on the heels (and flippers) of the Rashaar reinforcements The Guild have also had some extra troops join the cause. The Guild models that came in the starter box gave some solid melee options so the reinforcements have added a little magic and some ranged options into the gang.

The Guild

I'd always associated Baba-Yaga with Slavic mythology so I'm not entirely sure how she ended up in Venice but she has taken the side of the working man / crime boss in the turmoil that engulfs the city. She adds a much needed touch of magic to the gang  and I think is the only mage available outside of Gifted mercenaries. The model itself was interesting to paint and put together and the blood trails are all separate. I ended up mounting it onto the base with the paperclip pin I'd had it on for painting and then adding the trails afterwards. The pin was disguised with gloss gel and plenty of blood effect paint. Will points are used to cast spells and cannot normally be replenished, so having the option to spill a little friendly blood to keep casting is rather nice (for Baba-Yaga, not the target).

The Baroni looks like a bit of a beast with his fearsome dueling pistols and high protection he can hang out near the front line and dish out damage and not be overly scared of taking hits back. Opponents will want to catch him in melee with his pistols unloaded as you cannot reload whilst in base to base contact with an enemy. I've painted him up to be the right-hand man of the Capodecina and the ranged and melee specialists should compliment each other.

One of the sub-factions in The Guild is the House of Virtue, made up ladies of negotiable affection and a Madame. The dancer works well outside the sub-faction due to her high Dexterity making her good at scaling the roofs of Venice and her command ability. Models count themselves as 'friendly' so she can give herself an extra move and also another friendly model. Enemies with high attack values should also look out for her poisoned weapon ability which could be nasty for them.

The last Hero options are a pair of Recruiters, these are the chaps who go around and 'persuade' the ordinary citizens of Venice that they want to fight for The Guild. the Union rule allows Guild models with the rule to gain an extra +1 Attack dice if they or the target are in base to base contact with two other Guild models, so an extra dice on top of that is very handy. TT Combat are releasing a new campaign and rules update book in the next couple of months and the rumour is that Union will be changing so presumably the Recruiter will as well.

I also got another Gondolier in the force box to take them up to two, I need to pickup another gondola as well for him to pilot.

The youngest and smallest Guild members, the Pilferers specialise in stealing objectives and running away, They aren't tough but they are hard to hit and expert at breaking away from combat without being hit as they have 3 re-rolls on breakaway tests courtesy of Slippery.

Another citizen was also in the box set so I now have six if we ever want to play a horde style list. This one shares the same body as the two cane citizens I already had but with different arms.

Lastly we have the second biggest crossbow in the game, with the Vatican forces fielding something larger. Whilst she has a scary range of 30" it is unlikely she will ever get a clear line of sight out to that range. Many of the weapons with a short range will find it difficult to shoot down from the top of a building as you need to reach the model on ground level but the Arbalest won't have that issue.

That's all the reinforcements for The Guild and I just have the Strigoi reinforcements to go before all the current Carnevale models I own are painted up.

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