Saturday 10 July 2021

League of Infamy: Halflings Completed

I have managed to work my way through the last of the Halflings for the League of Infamy which means the 4 bosses and the mighty Iron Beast are done.

The Halflings tend towards the comedy end of the spectrum so we have a range of archetypes on display. Greedyguts is obviously a Halfling that likes an extra serving or two and as such is literally more rounded than the others. 
The Feastmaster comes with two cleavers and a mean look in his eyes. He also has a useful ability which allows for two extra defenders to be activated, this could lead to the villians being overwhelmed under Halfling bodies.

The Master Burglar is one of the extra defenders that stats are provided for but not models. I went with a Reaper Bones model for her. She has an interesting ability which allows her to take equipment from the villains and even use it, which could be nasty for anyone holding onto a health potion for the right moment.

Lastly we have the Sauceror who practises Gastromancy, the ancient art of cooking magic. It's quite an interesting model which again shows a more comedy aesthetic but it's been nicely put together and works well for the food loving Halflings.

The Iron Beast came already assembled which made painting a bit of a fiddley job. It is a good size model though and will no doubt be released as a stand-alone figure for the upcoming Halfling release for Kings of War.

Stats wise it's a bit of a beast in not only name, having a good armour, lots of health and some nasty looking attacks. Any villains running up against this will need to be careful.

So with the Halflings now completed I have only the Trident Realm models and the Villains themselves to paint up for the whole game to be completed.

I had hoped to be starting on some Armada models with Dwarfs and Northern Alliance (for Kingdoms of Men) being the factions I was planning to buy. It seem the Northern Alliance are not being released before next year so I'm going to switch over to the Napoleonic's instead which I have also been planning.

1 comment:

  1. I put my Amada plans on hold too and went for some Salamanders
