Saturday, 28 November 2020

Star Saga: Reinforcements

 The Star Saga Character & Mission creator expansion not only comes with information and cards to write your own missions, but also six new mercenaries to play with.

As with all the other Mercenaries these can also be used in Deadzone and some are tied to specific factions. 

Kizai is a support merc with a heal similar to Kira but not quite as good and an interesting ability which allows it to move a target model extra squares. Kizai's Feat heal has a larger range than Kira's and doesn't require a role, so it is more reliable.

Orion is in the same vein as Capt. Erika, a straight up ranged damage dealer. Rolling 4 defence dice and having no wounded state does make Orion tougher than the Capt. though. he does pay for that by being more expensive and only rolling 2 melee dice.

As a Teraton, Kur Keela is linked to the Reb faction and can be fielded in a Reb strike team. He has a teleport ability which is the same as Deadzone and what he lacks in shooting & melee he makes up for in tech and mobility.

Hund is another Reb faction merc and in common with other Rin he is a ranged specialist who makes use of his four arms to use multiple weapons. He always gets two attacks each turn which is no doubt handy for cleaning out minions. He also gets an upgraded Pew Pew Pew (Capt. Erik feat) in that he can fire three times and then take a move as well.

Shade is a Marauder who likes to get up close and personal, he can also be taken in a Marauder Strike Team for Deadzone. His critical hit special is nice but I'm not so sure about his feat, becoming crippled means he loses out on 10xp on any mission he uses the feat, also he cannot move once he has popped it.

Last up is Kr-Om3 a multi-stance defence robot. His ability to add extra defence dice onto adjacent mercenaries and lay down a decent ranged attack makes him an interesting support choice.

That's all the models for Star Saga painted up for the moment and ready to be deployed into a mission. We seem to have a good balanced team at present in our Sunday afternoon games so I'm not sure if any of these would muscle themselves into contention.

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