Sunday, 22 November 2020

Star Saga: More Terror In The Deep

This week I completed the rest of the Terror in the Deep expansion for Star Saga with the models now ready to travel back to Cirencester to be ready for the next campaign.

The box included The Blight as a leader choice for the Nameless in Deadzone, presumably he/it is a boss for Star Saga. He comes equipped with what is effectively a range 3, AP1 flame thrower, which is rather nice. The Blight is also very handy in melee with a AP2 melee weapon and a Fight of 4+. His special is the ability to give any active model a range 2 free 'flamer thrower' attack, good for quick models looking to lock down the enemy at close range.

Terror on the left, Blight on the Right

The Terror is a specialist choice in Deadzone who again is a melee fighter with his Frenzy (1) special letting him reroll a failed fight dice and his Resilient (1) rule allowing him to reroll a failed survive dice. A speed of 2-3 also means it can get around the board quickly and would be the ideal partner for someone with the Triclinic shard special we saw last week. 

The Gunslinger is the third and final troop choice for the Nameless and as the name suggests is a ranged troop specialist. They do only have a range of 3 with their twin pistols and with costing 5 more points than the Inker/Scuttler they may not be a very popular choice in a list that probably wants to fit lots of specialists in.

The final specialist is the Assassin, a fast and mobile melee choice. It has the backpack which allows it to fall any distance without taking damage and also scale walls and jump one cube wide gaps. With AP2 and the ability to reroll 2 failed Fight dice (via Frenzy (2)) this fighter can cause some real issues once it gets into close combat.

Last up is the Goliath, I think they could have gone with a more scary name for what is a massive hunk of a gribbly. In Deadzone this is counted as a Vehicle choice so needs 3 Troop's to be taken to unlock. In Star Saga it probably needs a big room to operate in so you may want to stick to the corridors!

As you might expect the Goliath is going to take a lot of killing, he has 4 wounds and armour 2 as well as tough (ignore the first wound on each attack) and with a Fight of 3+ he is going to be a nightmare to deal with in melee. A survive of 4+ means it won't be easy to shoot on the way in and it also has a ranged capability if it pulls up just short when moving in. 

It really is a big model so took a fair bit of work to get painted, I ended up doing the top two thirds first and once that was varnished doing the rest. This gave me a way to hold the model without rubbing the paint off as I went along.

And that is the entire expansion done, the models are much nicer to work with than the Rebs from the Devil's Betrayal expansion, many of which I felt lacked sharp details.

Next up are the Mercenaries from this box and also from the Character Creator expansion so we have a bit more Star Saga yet to come.

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