Sunday, 1 July 2018

Quick Bases for Basilea

With no game this week I got on with sorting out the bases for the Forces of Basilea troops I already have painted up. In keeping with the idea of creating a quick army out of the models I already have the bases have been put together using stuff I already have.

So far I have put together one Horde of Spearmen and two Regiments of Swordsmen from the metal Mycenaean Greeks I had. Whilst the bases aren't really a match they do the job and are a step up from unpainted bases.

From the Mythic Battles set I have one Regiment of Archers and one Regiment of Foot Knights.

As well as the first Horde of Elohi and Zeus standing in as the Ur-Elohi. I have spent a little more time on the individual bases for the Gods. The multi-base was again a quick job with four magnetic dots on the base which the coins on the Gods bases stick to and a little bit of flock put in the gaps.

I have five more Gods to paint up to make a second Horde of Elohi and then I will need to purchase some cavalry to make up the two Regiments of mounted Knights which should round out the army.


  1. Who is the chap in the red cloak?

    1. That is Ares, with Hermes next to him in the front rank and then Artemis behind Ares and Persephone behind Hermes.
