Sunday, 29 July 2018

Oops I did it Again

As every wargamer knows you never run out of things to paint and the easiest way to accomplish this is to make sure you are always adding to the pile. With a trip to Attack at Devizes last week and then a few bits of online ordering I have managed to maintain the integrity of my 'to be painted' pile for a while longer.
Whilst ordering a Fire Elemental for my brother I picked up a Abyssal Chroneas  for myself. I really liked the look of the model when it was released and even though I have no obvious use for it at present I thought I'd take advantage of the in-show discount Mantic offered. I did manage to resist spending money on the new Terrain Crate line but I'm now thinking I should have picked some of that up for scatter terrain as well.

The model came as five parts with all apart from the head making a good snug fit. I used a little green stuff to fill a few obvious holes and only a little work was needed on the mould lines.

The official paint job is as a fire demon but the Chroneas fluff describes it more as a beast of time so I'll be going for an alternate colour scheme, probably green & black, but I'm not entirely decided as of yet.

He's a big beastie standing at around 120mm and only just fitting on a 50mm square base. As you can see he towers over a normal 32mm infantryman and even my Elephant beast for the Herd.

Next up are some Frostgrave Gnolls which will be used to make up a Horde of infantry for the Herd army. The models look to have good detail and the box comes with loads to options considering you only pay £20 for the box.

The Horde will consist of the 20 Gnolls from the box and I have space for a unit filler on a 50mm square built into the base.

With that in mind and the fact that I want to be able to add a Chieftain on Chariot to the Herd if needed I want a cheap way of adding the unit. After looking around I ordered some 54mm Centaur models from Russia. They do a soft plastic version of these as well but I'm happy with the hard plastic version as I suspect the soft ones would be a pain to paint. For the sum of £9 including postage I got 4 large models, two of which I put on chariot bases ( 50mm * 100mm ) and one on a 50mm square to use as a unit filler.

I also picked up a new set of rules that I had spotted. Blood & Plunder are rules to be used to wargame the pirate age and what intrigued me was the fact the same battle could include naval and land forces. I've not had a good enough read yet to give any sort of review but my thinking is that the rules may be able to be converted to cover the ancient Greek period, if not then I will need to get my Pirate on !

The book itself is well made with lots of good illustrations and some really nice models and terrain, with Firelock Games making a good range of models including ships it would be pretty easy to get a force together.

As well as adding to the pile I've also been working away at it with some light lancers nearing completion for the Basileans.