Sunday, 9 February 2025

DAK: Ready for Combat

Having recovered sufficiently from my consumption to sit down and do some painting I've completed the last of the extra infantry I had and a couple of dogs. The dogs are to be used in the 0200 Hours games so I doubt will be seen in the V for Victory games.

As with the Commonwealth list you can swap one rifleman out to allow you to replace up to four other riflemen with SMG's and can also buy riflemen reinforcements with a Star. This allows you to tailor your infantry sections to specific roles. I can certainly see the case for an 7 or 8 man section with mostly SMG's for assaulting enemy positions. 

That means I now have a similar sized force for both sides so once we get playing we should be able to ramp up the game size to a reasonable level and still have a decent range of force compositions. 
I still have a some vehicles and guns to paint up and lots of road pieces as well so I've still got a fair few weeks even months of painting to go before everything is done. I'll also need to resist the temptation to print out more terrain or vehicles to add to the forces.

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