Sunday, 16 February 2025

DAK: Anti-tank

With the core forces for both sides completed I've started working on some extras (I may have gotten a little excited with the online ordering) to add to the table.

Having enjoyed painting up the Panzer II I thought I'd move up a model to the Panzer III and so ordered one from Perry. The kit is mostly resin with a few metal details and went together nice and easily.

I used the same scheme as for the Panzer II and went with a slightly liberal sprinkling of decals to finish it off. It's a nice looking tank and once I have the M3 Grant completed it will have a worthy foe to spare with.

The other model I completed is a famous Flak 36, which was much feared by allied tank crews. Much as in the bocage war were every tank faced was a Tiger, in the desert the Flak 36's reputation probably out sized it's actual presence.

In any event this is probably too powerful a gun to be used in normal V for Victory game but it is of course useful as an objective or for a special scenario. I can certainly see it being something allied commandoes need to knock out in an 02 Hundred Hours game.

This is a Warlord Games kit which I picked up second hand, it was in a bit of a bad way but it glued back together ok and all the crew where present. The kit was missing the decals, so no kill markings for this one. The crew themselves have a good bit of character and aren't massively over-sized like later Warlord Games kits.


  1. I should probably make some progress on my paras at some point
