Sunday 20 August 2023

Armada: Small Ships

Having worked through almost all the larger ships I now moved onto the small ships and flyers.

Needlefangs are Tiny ships fitting on 30mm squares and their main benefit seems to be the Attrition special which adds 1 point of damage onto a friendly ships shooting damage whilst within 6". This benefit stacks for each Needlefang within 6" of the shooting ship. For reference a Light cannon does 1 point of damage normally and a Heavy 2.

The models are supplied to go two on a base but they are pretty big and one works fine and gives you twice the options.

The Banshee is a Small support ship and whilst not tough itself it's main purpose is to hinder an opponent in boarding melees. It's Banshee's Wail special incurs a -1 to hit in boarding actions for any ship it's grappled with. So the idea would be to get it into combat with a big hitting enemy and hope it lives long enough for support to arrive.

Lastly (for the moment) we have the two flying units available to the Twilight Kin. Flyers are slightly unusual in that they can only attack enemies they directly fly over and can only be attacked by those same enemy units. 

The general opinion is they are best suited to picking off weakened enemies that have seperated from the main fleet.

This is the entire fleet painted up so far, I have one more Butcher to paint but I'm going to work on some of the Abyssal Dwarfs first as a change before coming back to that one.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, I'm looking forward to a more straight forwards painting experience on the Dwarfs as they have no sails.
