Saturday 17 December 2022

Firefight: Growing Pest Problem

Having completed all the Forge Father models I currently have I've moved onto my force for Firefight, the Veer-myn. These are the delightful little (and sometimes not so little) space rat faction who I also play in Deadzone. The armies strength lies in it's melee combat units so it needs to have some way of closing the gap against strong ranged opponents. Fortunately they can field two types of smoke launcher in the Crawler units. I started with these models as I wanted to make up the maximum number from the army box. Now the Veer-myn sprue doesn't actually contain the smoke launcher as a weapon option so following someone else's inspiration in the Facebook group I made mine by repositioning the Chem Spitter weapon from under the arm to over the arm. I used a Spitter in my Deadzone force so I have one to compare against.

I haven't yet painted any of the normal Crawlers but I have stuck them together so they are in the queue to be done.

The smoke rules require you to hit a spot for it to be deployed so with a shoot of 6+ you want some insurance that your smoke will be out to protect your melee troops as they advance. I can see me wanting to field at least a couple of units with dual smoke launchers and then some normal Crawlers to protect them from fire. When removing casualties the player controlling the damaged unit gets to choose the order or removal, apart from the unit leader who must be last.

I've also completed a unit of Clawshots which add some long range sniping into the Veer-myn army, which otherwise doesn't carry a lot of ranged threat over 18". Mantic do make some proper models for these in their Kings of War range but I'd decided to kitbash some up as I had some spare Ratkin bodies I'd bought for a bargain. These are meant for KoW as well and fit reasonably well with the Veer-myn models made for Deadzone/Warpath. To the Ratkin bodies I'd seen someone add the rifle arms from GW Kroots onto a Veer-myn on the Deadzone Facebook page so I sourced some from a 'bits' website and did the same. To cover the arm joints I used some spare shoulder pads from the Forge Father kit that I had left over. The proper kit comes with a shield for each Clawshot to hide behind so I added some of the small concrete barriers I'd received from Chris at Fogou Models. The small versions aren't yet released for general sale so I was very lucky to get them.

The unit leader for the Clawshots has a different weapon to the normal rats so I distinguished him with a more imposing looking helmet, he's also the only one looking to the left of his barrier.

So these chaps are all ready to pick Dwarfs off at a distinctly unfair range and having a bit of armour piercing should help open up the more heavily armoured Forge Fathers as well.

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