Sunday 6 November 2022

Firefight: A Red Planet

I've been pressing on with the terrain for Firefight this week and made some handy progress. The hills have turned out well with the repurposed S&A Scenics hills and the new pieces being pretty much done. 

I also invested in a new DeepCut Studio mat arriving as well. I went with DeepCut as I already had a Deadzone mat from them and this meant I could have a Firefight one that exactly matched. As it was being imported I decided to spend a few extra £'s and get a double sided mat. For the other side I went with a snow mat as I've not got one at the moment and this would allow for future expansion into a snow themed game. The double sided mat is a bit thicker than the single sided ones I already have but up to the same high standard.

As well as the old S&A hills I also made a couple of new ones from black foam so we can have two different heights of hill. The S&A ones can be lower to represent dunes and then the new ones higher to represent proper rocky outcrops. 

I've completed the first of the area terrain bases with another six on the the production line, I'm waiting on some more pieces to make the actual area terrain bases to go on them though.

My existing Fogou Models adobe buildings have also been given a make over with the addition of some coloured walls and some sand effect glued on. I also made use of some resin bits they sell to add some extra sci-fi detailing onto the buildings.

Lastly I've painted up some linear terrain for troops to hide behind using Fogou models concrete barriers. Again, the liberal use of the mars sand from Geek Gaming adds a splash of colour and helps tie them into the other pieces.

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