Friday 15 April 2022

Carnevale: Demo Game

I've started the long weekend off by welcoming Stu over from Cirencester and introducing him to Carnevale. We played 100 Ducats on a 24" table to keep the game nice and quick. VP's where earned by holding a mobile objective (2VP's) or completing up to three Agendas (1 VP each).

The gangs where designed to give a feel for the game without throwing too many rules around, so no magic or water based monsters.
Stu took command of The Guild:
1 * Capodecina
1 * Baroni
2 * Fisherman
2 * Citizen
1 * Gondolier

I took control of the Strigoi:
1 * Noble Strigoi
1 * Hulking Moroi
1 * Highborn Servant
2 * Common Strigoi
2 * Thrall

As we started close together we managed to get into combat on the first turn with two separate combats breaking out. The first was on the roof top by the Strigoi starting area with the Capodecina making a couple of long ranged jumps and then scaling a wall to traverse around half the table to make it into combat.

The second was a street level and centred around the mobile objective that one of the Thrall's had picked up. The Guild scored 1 VP by completing an Agenda for making multiple 4"+ jumps in one turn.

On the roof the Hulking Moroi was taken out by a combination of the Capodecina and a Fisherman but not before it had reduced the Capodecina to 1 Life Point and scored 1 VP by causing 8+ damage in one activation. 

At ground level the Thrall ran away with the objective and whilst the Highborn Servant was lost on the Strigoi side so was the Gondolier.

The Strigoi then started to clean up on the roof and below you can see the Noble Vampire just before he chained together four 4"+ jumps to complete another Agenda for 1 VP. The Guild had also managed to complete an Agenda by throwing one of the Strigoi into base-to-base contact so going into the end game it was all down to the holder of the mobile objective.

In the end it was a close run thing but the Common Strigoi managed to hold onto the objective to secure the win.

Starting closer certainly meant we got into the fight sooner so I think our regular Friday games will be on a 24" board rather than the 36" we've been playing recently.

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