Sunday 8 August 2021

League of Infamy: Yo Ho Ho

 ...And a bottle of rum. 

Our first couple of Villains have the same background, Ogre pirates. Mantic have said in the past that they won't be producing an Ogre fleet for Armada so we must assume that Ogre ships are pretty rare. The Bo'sun was recruited to the League when he was found aboard a Twilight Kin slaver ship and he seems to have risen through the ranks to become Captain. Reasonably fast with a couple of interesting interactions with furniture The Bo'sun should be able to get around the table easily and his Cutlass allows him to take on groups of defenders without penalty.

Bhetee is another Ogre and part of The Bo'sun's crew, he comes armed with the Howling Lute and takes on a Bard like role if recruited. As well as buffing villains and de-buffing defenders Bhetee can put out some decent ranged damage with the option for some AOE effects as well. He does feed the Keep Master an extra alarm token each round but then he is a rock and roller so that is only to be expected.

Chitter Twitchtail escaped from the Abyssal Dwarf slave pits at the same time as Sharpclaw, and he plays the sneaky thief to Sharpclaw's rampaging brute. He likes to attack from range and fellow villains should be aware that if he gets behind them he is likely to steal something from them. Chitter probably wants to hand around at the back and profit from the work of the other villains.

Gharka the Rowdy and her mawpup come as a pair, so whoever picks this villain gets an extra model to control. Gharka herself is an Orc fighter so wants to get up close and personal with the defenders, she has the chance to cause bonus damage on a critical hit (each dice has one critical hit side). She can also command her mawpup to either use her spare actions or use one of two free actions, attack or heel/heal. As the mawpup can carry an item and earns Infamy for Gharka this should give her a wide area of control on the board.

Lastly we have Odur / The Beast, again you get two models for this villain but only one of them can be in play at a time. You start the raid as Odur, mild mannered healer type (possibly former janitor) who takes reduced Infamy for killing defenders. Each turn you have a chance to turn into The Beast by rolling two orange dice (max score of 3) and add his current damage, you need 10+ to turn. As you can see you need at least 4 damage to have a chance to turn so Odur needs to put himself in danger to unleash The Beast. The Beast needs to stay in the thick of the fight to avoid turning back into Odur and concentrates almost entirely on killing, it also has a self heal mechanic.
Playing Odur / The Beast will take some skill and finesse as you need to be Odur to loot items but he won't last long unless The Beast can be brought forth. He's probably someone the defenders won't like when he's angry.

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