Thursday 5 August 2021

League of Infamy: Fun Luvin' Criminals

 Quick mid-week update to show some more of the League of Infamy villains I've completed, despite my initial worries about painting lots of unique models these have been coming together rather quickly.

First up we have La'theal Bleakheart who used to be an Elven mage but who fell under the influence of the Nightstalkers during the Edge of the Abyss campaign played out a few years ago. This is a nice example of how the world is growing and gaining a history.

La'theal is one of the 'basic' four starter heroes from the base set along with Karzel and Melantha who I posted about last time and Glum who we will see today as well. Her playstyle is ranged dps/support with a handy drain life spell that can be used to both damage and heal and the ability to upgrade her ranged attack dice to cause extra damage. Her armour is quite low so she won't want to be the focus of attention in a raid.

M'win'daji is an Abyssal who specialises in hunting down Basilean priests, with no campaign involving the Basileans yet released she will probably need to find other ways to keep herself amused.
Equally adept at melee and ranged damage with a good move and a neat mobility skill she should be able to zoom around the field of combat. She does have low armour so again probably wants someone else to be the focus of attention.

Glum Slittercreep is your typical Goblin Ninja type, fast, squishy and always looking for a back to stab. In common with the previous two characters he doesn't want to be noticed and he is the fourth of the core villains.

Last up for today we have Darkskull the Cursed who was dug up from his barrow by one of the other villains I've not completed yet. He has a nice defence mechanic he can use once per turn to make him extra hard to kill, but with only 2 attack dice he probably isn't going to dish out much damage even with the chance of the AOE attacks. Being able to set defenders on fire is probably pretty handy, most people aren't keen on being ablaze.

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