Saturday, 22 May 2021

SAGA: Archer Wars

We continued are re-familiarisation with SAGA this week with another quick game of Romans vs Carthaginians. This week in an attempt to combat the ranged superiority of the Carthaginians the Romans recruited the Cretan archer mercenary unit. 

This unit comprises of 8 Warriors who generate 1/2 shooting/melee dice per figure and have a few nasty rules. They can be activated to shoot for free once per turn as long as that is the first activation they undertake and also on their first shot of the turn they gain 2 extra attack dice and a +1 to hit. Either of the last two rules would be good on their own but together is really powerful, you'd probably want these chaps in any army that lacks good shooting abilities on it's board.

Having realised how nasty the Cretan's are I was fortunate to have my mounted Warrior unit opposite them so moved up and charged in the second turn, taking 4 off and pretty much eliminating them as force from the game.

The rest of the game saw the Romans come on in the normal fashion with the Carthaginians looking to weather the initial storm and then counter-attack to cause damage. Mr T's rolling was down to his normal standard and his troops fluffed a couple of big combats so I was able to wear him down reasonably quickly.

The game ended when the Roman commander was exhausted by my Levy archers and then finished off by my commander who bravely rode in to complete the kill.

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