Saturday, 1 May 2021

Kingdoms of Men: Final Models

 With the arrival of League of Infamy and the extra Drakon riders I'd ordered I've been able to finally complete my Kingdoms of Men / Ostrogoth army. 

The three Drakons have been converted with the same Gripping Beast Goth models I've used in the rest of the army as riders and then painted up with Army Painter metallic's. I went with red, white, & blue for the Drakons to help tell them apart on the battlefield and I still have one more to paint up to use in the League of Infamy game.

The General on Winged Beast they are representing are good low cost flying units which are reasonably tanky but should mostly be looking for a flank charge. Being only 190 points each you can easily find space for them in any list.

As this is the end of this project I thought I'd get the models out on the table and photo them all together. It's always nice to get a group shot of a completed army, this one had initially started as an all mounted force but has grown to include a fair amount of infantry as well.

As well as the Generals on Winged Beast I've also added an extra Troop of Mounted Scouts to bring my up to 3 full Regiments and an extra mounted Wizard, this used up all the Goth / Dark Age cavalry models I had.


  1. Replies
    1. They are Reaper miniatures:
      WARL HELLBORE, ASSASSIN - Blue cloak
      SELTHAK POISONER - red cloak
