One of the advantages of getting things on Kickstarter is that you generally get things below the end sale price and with a few extras to sweeten the deal. The downside is you are never entirely sure when they will arrive as even though all the projects have an expected delivery, they are often late.
So with all that is going on in the world as present and the fact many games are produced in China it came as no surprise today to find out that League of Infamy has been delayed again. This delay is down to issues getting a ship to carry the container to the UK, hopefully that has now been resolved and the container should be leaving China on around Dec 15th to make it's way to us in time for all the post-Brexit confusion to have cleared up at British ports. Mantic are now looking at a shipping date of Feb/March so it's going to be a while before I can get my hands on this one.
To quote the game description 'League of Infamy is an occasionally co-operative dungeon crawler for up to 5 players, where it pays to commit dastardly deeds and partake in foul thievery – often against your own party. Created by the team behind hit games Hellboy: The Board Game and Dungeon Saga: The Dwarf’s Kings Quest, this is a dungeon quest like no other.
Join a rogue’s gallery of misfits, ne’er-do-wells and miscreants on a disgraceful mission to kidnap cute little baby Drakons, steal their eggs and viciously wipe out any irritating, goody-goody Elves that try to stop your nefarious schemes.
But it’s not just the Elves you’ll need to keep a wary eye on. Your fellow (mis)adventurers are just as likely to betray you and steal your loot, shove you into harm’s way or just leave you in a dungeon full of unbeatable foes. As they like to say in the League of Infamy – ‘keep your enemies close but keep your friends at knifepoint’.'
The full game contains over 120 models consisting of villains, Elf, Halfling, & Trident Realm defenders and a cast of wondering monsters. This should give a good variety of models to paint up and also several Vanguard warbands that can then be fielded.
I'm also waiting on some extra Drakon riders which are to be converted into Kings of War Generals on Winged Beasts for my
KoM/Ostrogth mounted army. So that looks to be an army which will not be completed in a hurry.
One Project that should arrive sooner than later is the
Celtic style ringfort being produced by
Fogou Models. This one has only recently closed but being a smaller project being produced entirely within the UK it should be less prone to unforeseen delays. I'm not entirely sure what use I can put a ring for too but having backed a previous KSer from Fogou and being impressed with the quality of the
mud brick buildings I received then I thought it was worth backing.
As well as the normal fort they also produced a fantasy style gate with towers which looks really good and then a series of extras such as houses, a pig pen & granaries. Also included are steps up to the wall and a breached section.
For the mud brick KSer I didn't go all in but I made no such mistake this time and as the project reached all it's goals I should have a pretty big stack of resin heading my way early in the new year.
My final ongoing Kickstarter is
Bardsung, which despite have a terrible name looks to be a promising dungeon crawler.
This one has also only just been funded but being a larger project than the fort is not scheduled for release until May 2022.
Bardsung is 1-5 player PVE dungeon crawler, so all the players are on the same side and all fight against an AI dungeon deck. The layout of the dungeon is generated as the players go along with a deck deciding which dungeon tile the players get to lay down next. One of the aims seems to be building the dungeon to reach a specific spot on the game map. This should mean a good variety of layout but also one which can be influenced by the players.
The contents of the newly laid out tile are also decided by a deck so it could be a chest or a horde of ravenous monsters that the adventurers have just discovered.
The game comes with a host of models for both the heroes (in yellow) and the monsters, again as the project reached all it's stretch goals then it contains lots of bits that got unlocked.
Can you see the Cave Shark? |
For this one I didn't go all-in as that contained some 3D terrain I didn't need and some other bits like duplicate monsters and a neoprene mat that added nothing to the game play. I did get The Lost Levels expansion box which contains some extra adventures and some clock-work robot style men who look like they could also work in a sci-fi setting as well.
So that's my efforts to keep the world economy ticking over for the moment completed, apart from the bit where I weakened and got myself the SAGA: Age of Hannibal book, but more on that another day.