Saturday, 25 April 2020

Mythic Battles: Perilous Seas

Continuing on with my Mythic Battles painting spree we come to a couple of the larger monsters that I bought.
First up is Scylla who in myth occupied the Straights of Messina along with Charybdis making the passage extremely hazardous. A good story about her origin can be found in the book Circe by Madeline Miller which is well worth the read. In the book Circe is also responsible for the death of Scylla along with the successful birth of the Minotaur (among other things).

Scylla was noted for her six tentacles which she would use to pluck sailors from the decks of passing ships and then feast upon them. The ships had to sail close to her lair if they wished to avoid destruction by Charybdis.

When I was painting this model up I decided it would be good to have the insides of all the suckers a different colour to the outside so I spent a fair bit of time filling each one in, I'm not sure I'd want to go through that again! It does look good though and she was an interesting model to paint and should look good out on the table.

In game play terms she is fast with Speed 2 and can collect omphalos in her surroundings which mean she could whip up the board and start hoarding the omphalos before your opponent gets moving. With her protective tentacles and good Defense and Vitality she is a powerful monster and well worth her 5 point price.

Next up is Chiron who was tutor to many of the Greek heroes including Achilles, Ajax the Greater, Theseus and Perseus, to name but a few. He was also a master of healing arts and thanks to his divine parentage (Cronus was his father) was also immortal. For his paint job I followed the card art as it uses the grey tone and red scheme which I have been using on some of my undead.

Chiron is fast with a good ranged attack and also has the benefit of being unkillable as long as you have an Art of War card in your hand. A useful character to harry your opponents from afar or to tie them up in melee if needs be.

Next up we have Ladon and Geryon both of whom feature in the adventures of Heracles. Ladon was shot dead by Heracles so  he could steal the Golden Apples for his eleventh Labour and Geryon's sheep where the target of Heracles in his tenth Labour (Heracles also shot him dead).

Geryon was noted for his three heads and these grant him a rather nasty triple attack, he also has the ability to take attacks from friendly units onto himself making him an excellent guard for a more squishy unit.

Ladon is also a powerful attacker with the ability to retaliate for free against any one attacking him up close and also pay to attack every enemy unit within range. For Ladon I went with a red and white pain scheme which makes him look very different from the other snakes in the set.

Last of all we Charybdis who pairs up with Scylla. As Charybdis is a swirling vortex of water and teeth in mythology the model isn't tall but is pretty wide. The model is cast in a couple of separate parts but due to the way they overhang each other it is difficult to see that unless turned over. I used the same painting method as I used for the water bases of the other models and again finished it off with the Liquitex gloss gel.

I took a picture with Polyphemus to try and give a sense of scale to her, you could probably use the model in deadly skimming attack against an opponent who upset you sufficiently!

In game terms Charybdis is another big monster with both Attack & Vitality of 10 (the maximum) and Defence of 9, she is hard to kill and deadly on the offence. She can move into area's within a range of 2 but this needs to have a capacity of 3+ so it would be possible to hide from her if you are careful.

So that's all of them for this week, I've not got many of the models left to paint for Mythic Battles now but they do include both Hera and Poseidon, with the later model being a big one, so that should look good once completed hopefully.


  1. Sucker painting is definitely lock-down thing. Is there a B&P / MB mashup here somewhere to use the ships

    1. I think they did release a Kraken scenario one Halloween.
