Sunday, 19 April 2020

Beauty and the Beasts

I have some more Mythic Battles: Pantheon models completed this week leading off with Andromeda and Antaeus. Andromeda was rescued from the sea monster Cetus by Perseus using the head of Medusa.

As her parents where the rules of Ethiopia I decided to give her a brown skin tone rather than the paler skin tones of the Greeks. The model was slightly miss-cast so she had no nose, this was fixed by a little dab of Vallejo putty. Her role is strictly support as she has no attack value but she can stop all attacks on an area for a turn by sacrificing one health, very useful to keep more vulnerable or heavily wounded units alive.

Antaeus was the wrestler son of Poseidon and Gaea who could not be killed whilst in contact with the ground. To reflect this he has a Vitality regeneration ability similar to Hydra which allows him to regain lost Vitality and also units at range 0 have more difficulty attacking him. In the end he was crushed to death by Heracles who lifted him from the ground in a bear-hug.

The next grouping consists of Eurystheus, Periphetes, and Autolycus.

Eurystheus was responsible for setting the Labours of Heracles and again is a purely support unit with no attacks. He does have the interesting ability which renders him immune to all wounds as long as another chosen friendly unit is alive, this would potentially make him an excellent omphalos carrier or target for redirecting attacks onto. However once this immunity is gone his low health and Defence mean he would die in short order.

Autolycus was a famous thief and grandfather to Odysseus, his speed and ability to steal omphalos from enemy units mean he is best suited to frustrate the plans of your opponent. The omphalos are the red crystals of power that need to be claimed by your divinity in the skirmish games as one method of victory (the other being to destroy the opposing Divinity).

Periphetes was another bandit who was killed by Theseus and much like Autolycus has the ability to steal an opponents omphalos, he also has the ability to lock down an opposing unit for two turns which make him an excellent disruptor of the enemy.

Last up we Calydonian Boar who was sent by Artemis to punish the King of Calydon for failing to honor her properly. The Boar has similar charge ability to Minotaur and with Attack/Defence/Vitality of 7/8/8 can take a real beating. It's also a rather nice model and reminds me of the many boars I painted for the Kings Of War Herd army.

I still have more Mythic Battles models to paint so they should keep me going for a little while longer.