Sunday 12 May 2019

Homeland Defence

One of the main units for the Spanish Militia are as you would expect from the army name the Milicianos. These can also be fielded as Hostigadores who specialised in skirmish warfare.

This week I completed the 12 men of the Milicianos / Hostigadores, these use the same model in the figure range and a Spanish Militia force cannot include both unit types. The Hostigadores would look to be a good upgrade as for 1 point per model you get a superior ranged save, the ability to make a free move after moving and shooting/fighting and also trained status.

You do lose drilled which makes ranged shooting easier and also the fight save is slightly worse. The Hostigadores would look to be the default choice unless you where short on points and needed to take a cheaper core option.

These models weren't quite as good as the English militia and it looked like the molds may have been reaching end of life as some of the casts lacked the definition of the English. Once again the dip helped out and the models look good from a bit of a distance.

As I had the guys out I let the Milicianos Indios have a play in the jungle, these guys also have the skirmish rule so it looks like Hearts & Spades will be important cards for the Spanish player.
Next up will be the English Freebooters who form the backbone of the Buccaneer army.

Mick and I also got a good game of Kings of War in this week with the points increased to 2250 so he could try out a list that was touted on the Basilean Facebook group.

This was basically a speed list with 2 Hordes of Elohi, 2 Regiments of Knights and then supporting heroes and monsters. It featured only 1 Horde of foot sloggers.
It was an unusual feeling being the slowest on the board and the Basilean formations for the Knights and Elohi make them a scary prospect to fight (gaining Elite and Viscous respectively).

 We did manage to go the full distance despite having a chat about Mick's painting (he's finally started!) and in the end the Basileans came out the victors with my Herd being badly mauled.

Time to put my thinking cap back on and have a play around with the list, all those flying units are a pain once they turn your flank.


  1. They look a lot more ECW like that the British but that may be old equipment I guess

    1. Well the time period for Spanish Militia in the game is 1621-1713 which puts it either side of the ECW, the Spanish also seem to have hung on to the older equipment for longer than the English.
