Sunday 20 January 2019

This Little Piggy

This week I completed the first stage of my special build project with the first of the Boartaurs (I'm not sure of the correct naming) being finished. The models started out life as Mantic Orc Gore Riders and then by removing the Gore's head and the liberal application of Greenstuff I attached the Orc torso to the Gore. I had some GW beastmen heads left over so I attached these instead of the Orc ones.

Whilst the impression of fur is not at the level of an expert sculpture I am happy with the overall resulting model. The should be able to trot out with heads held high and hopefully ride down a fair few enemies.

I also completed some more models to bulk out the Herd Vanguard army from GW Beastmen and when included with the Wrath of Kings models I have a sizable force.

At present the Herd only have one Command option who comes with a bow and inspiring so a banner bearing Chieftain with bow was a simple kit-bash. The spellcaster option is good in the list so I made up a second caster who can be spotted by his skull-headed staff. I also had some wings left over from the main Herd project so I converted one beastman into a Harpy and made the rest up with a mixture of spear & shield or straight hand weapon.

Mick and I also reconvened after the Christmas break to start playing again. 

Having played a fair bit of Mythic Battles pre-xmas Mick has put aside his dislike for fantasy and we are playing some Kings of War. The first few battles will just be a learning the rules exercise for Mick as he gets used to  playing KoW.

We are starting out small with 1500 points each and the initial armies had no shooting apart from spells to keep things simple. For some reason the pictures came out rather badly on this one.

After a good start for the Herd which saw me take out several Basilean units the Humans started to pull things back but not enough to claim a win by the games end. Playing with small forces meant that we actually finished a game very quickly even though we spent a lot of time initially talking about the rules.


  1. Perhaps a Scrofa, which is Greek for pig? I've been working on a few things too and can certainly field a Vanguard forces of Salamanders now.

    1. Well that's the next campaign sorted out then.
